Geralt is a modern cryptographic library for .NET 8+ based on libsodium and inspired by Monocypher.
Simple: an easy-to-learn API with descriptive naming. Only one algorithm for each task is provided when possible.
Modern: the latest and greatest cryptographic algorithms, such as AEGIS-128L/AEGIS-256, (X)ChaCha20-Poly1305, BLAKE2b, Argon2id, X25519, and Ed25519.
Geralt is available as a NuGet package. It's supported on the following platforms:
Note that libsodium requires the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 on Windows. Instructions on how to deal with this can be found here.
To get Geralt working on Android, you need to build the libsodium binaries yourself because they aren't included in the libsodium NuGet package. You then need to modify the project slightly to target that platform.
Source code
You can find the source code on GitHub.
Geralt is licensed under the MIT license.
Span<T> all the things: enables the secure erasure of bytes and boosts performance.
Descriptive naming: BLAKE2b, not GenericHash.
Same vocabulary for everything: key, nonce, salt, input keying material, output keying material, etc.
Minimal parameters: no key parameter for an unkeyed hash.
Consistent parameter ordering: buffers come first.
Public constants: easy to create buffers.
One algorithm for each task: (X)ChaCha20-Poly1305, BLAKE2b, Argon2id, X25519, and Ed25519.
Some low-level functions: useful for custom constructions.
Out of scope
Full misuse resistance (e.g. no nonces or optional nonces). This can limit the user, doesn't work well with spans, and overcomplicates code.
Solving the key reuse problem (e.g. a mandatory context for everything or wrappers instead of raw bytes). I'm not convinced either tactic works, and it again adds complexity.
Other primitives unless they solve a problem. AES-GCM causes problems (e.g. it requires hardware support). AEGIS solves problems (e.g. it's key committing and supports random nonces whilst being faster/stronger than AES-GCM).
Experimental ideas/custom constructions (e.g. anything without an RFC or Internet-Draft), which can go in a separate project.
Duplicate methods that return byte arrays.
Unnecessary 'convenience' functions, like
in almost every class.Internal guarded heap allocations, which reduce performance and are unnecessary for very short-lived secrets.
Support for old/no longer supported versions of .NET.
I'd like to say a big thanks to:
GitBook for donating a free Pro account.
Tuta for donating their private email service.
Frank Denis for writing the libsodium library.
Loup Vaillant for writing the Monocypher library.
Klaus Hartke for creating NSec and doing .NET PRs for libsodium.
Trond Arne Bråthen for creating the libsodium-core library.
Adam Caudill and everyone who contributed to the libsodium-net library.
Everyone who has contributed to, used, or provided feedback about Geralt.
Last updated